Published invocES en Español¿Qué sabemos realmente del México musical?España y su mirada por encima del hombroJun 4, 2021Jun 4, 2021
Published invocES en Español¿Está el futuro de la música en manos de las artes visuales?Creadores de uno y otro lado, condenados a entenderseJun 3, 2021Jun 3, 2021
Published invocES en EspañolLive Nation sale a escenaEn música y deporte, los éxitos ya se cuentan en criptomonedasMay 29, 2021May 29, 2021
Published invocES en Español¿Por qué a Donald Trump le gusta tanto una Big Mac?De la supremacía al supremacista: de McDonald’s a Donald TrumpFeb 11, 2021Feb 11, 2021
Published invocES en EspañolCambio climático, pandemias y globalizaciónEsta es mi visión dramática y romántica de la historiaJul 24, 2020Jul 24, 2020
From Talking Heads to the New Latin WaveWhen New Wave music in America detached itself from punk rock in the 70s, there were many who started to label it. At the time it was bands…Jun 29, 2015Jun 29, 2015
Is the future of music best mirrored by Costa Rica?The geographic lines dividing the United States and the rest of America are increasingly more ethereal. Now the unique sounds from Latin…Jun 29, 2015Jun 29, 2015
What do people really know about Mexican music?We are horrified by clichés and topics along the lines of Mexican sombreros and bullfighting capes. Other stereotypes include tacos and…Jun 29, 2015Jun 29, 2015